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Supercharge Your Conversion Rates with Widerfunnel's LIFT™ Model

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Boosting your conversion rates is crucial for digital success! The LIFT Model by Widerfunnel is a powerful and proven CRO framework that has demonstrated its value since its introduction. This model features six components, and we'll explore each of them, and look into how you can leverage personalization and AI to take your CRO strategy to new heights.

In addition, I will provide insights on how you can use personalization and AI to further add value to the model and your CRO game.

The LIFT Model (Landing Page Influence Function for Tests™) was created by Chris Goward in 2009. Chris holds a position as President of Conversion North America.

“The LIFT Model is all about putting yourself in the shoes of the prospect and coming up with ideas that will solve their needs.” - Chris Goward

Value Proposition

The first and arguably most crucial step in the LIFT Model is the value proposition. It forms the foundation of your strategy and directly affects your conversion rate. A strong value proposition communicates the unique benefits your product or service offers to your target audience, ultimately answering the question, "Why should they choose you over your competitors?"

How to improve your value proposition? To start, you should focus on:

  • Clearly defining the benefits of your offering
  • Identifying your target audience's pain points and how you address them
  • Ensuring your message is concise and compelling

Read Chris Goward’s post on how to create an awesome value proposition.


Relevance is the key to connecting with your audience. This step of the LIFT Model addresses the need to align your messaging with your target audience's needs, desires, and expectations. It's crucial to ensure that your messaging resonates with your prospects to create a sense of urgency and propel them toward conversion.

How do you enhance relevance in the LIFT model? You can do this, by:

  • Conducting thorough market research to understand your audience's preferences
  • Segmenting your audience and creating targeted content for each segment
  • Aligning your messaging with your value proposition


The clarity in communication is essential for success in CRO. Your website visitors should be able to comprehend your message and understand how to proceed quickly. Any confusion or ambiguity can and will lead to a loss of conversions.

You can boost clarity by:

  • Writing clear, concise copy that is free from jargon
  • Using descriptive headlines and subheadings to break up content
  • Implement a logical flow of information and a clean design


Creating a sense of urgency is a powerful motivator that can propel your prospects to take action. Urgency can be inherent in the offer itself or created through external factors like limited-time promotions.

How do you increase urgency? This can be done, by:

  • Highlighting limited-time offers and deadlines
  • Leveraging scarcity tactics, such as displaying low inventory or limited spots
  • Using action-oriented language in your call-to-action (CTA)


Anxiety in the LIFT model refers to the concerns or doubts your prospects may have before converting. Identifying and addressing these anxieties will most likely significantly improve your conversion rate.

You can reduce anxiety by:

  • Providing social proof, such as testimonials and reviews
  • Offering guarantees, refunds, or risk-free trials
  • Displaying trust signals, like security badges and certifications


Distractions can divert your prospects' attention away from your primary conversion goal. Minimizing distractions can help streamline the user experience and increase the likelihood of conversion.

You can eliminate distractions by:

  • Simplifying your website design and removing unnecessary elements
  • Ensuring a clear and prominent CTA
  • Minimizing interruptions, like pop-ups and auto-playing media


Data-driven decision-making is of course a cornerstone in any CRO strategy, so I want to emphasize the importance of data-driven decision-making. By conducting A/B tests, analyzing user behavior, and utilizing web analytics, you can make informed decisions and continuously refine your CRO strategy - whether it is based on LIFT or something else.

Another valuable add-on is to address personalization and AI-driven techniques. Personalization has become increasingly important and leveraging AI and machine learning can help tailor your messaging and user experience to individual prospects. Incorporating these cutting-edge techniques into the LIFT Model would make it even more powerful and relevant.


The Widerfunnel LIFT Model is an invaluable tool for optimizing your conversion rate. Breaking down the process into six key factors – value proposition, relevance, clarity, urgency, anxiety, and distraction – it is a structured framework for identifying and addressing barriers to conversion. Implementing the LIFT Model in your CRO strategy is the shortcut to supercharge your conversion rates. 

David Aleksandersen

David Aleksandersen

David Aleksandersen is Chief Revenue Officer at Spring Agency. He has over 25 years of experience in sales, marketing, and management, both nationally and internationally. David has a Computer Science degree from Østfold University College and is studying Digital Transformation at Oslo Met. Before joining Spring, he worked as a business advisor at MarkedsPartner, marketing manager at Dataton AB, and as CEO at Smart Simulation AS.