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Show don't tell.

Google Ads suksess for House of Yacht

House of Yacht ønsket å komme i gang med Google Ads. Valget ble å bruke Spring Agency. Mats og teamet skaffet resultater raskt og effektivt. 


365% økning i leads på et år for Proviso

I 2016 startet Proviso med inbound marketing. Etter ett år uten å være fornøyd med sin daværende samarbeidspartner, valgte de Spring Agency.


Slik vokser House of Yacht med HubSpot CRM

House of Yachts er raskt voksende selskap og hadde data i flere system - i en rask og effektiv prosess fikk vi de i gang med HubSpot.  


Inbound marketing skaper vekst for Glassfagkjeden

Glassfagkjeden eies av Pilkington og har vært kunde av Spring Agency i 8 år. Her er noen av resultatene vi har fått til sammen.


Spring Agency has been a game-changer for our business. With their help and expertise, we collaborated to fine-tune our sales process and restructure our CRM seamlessly. They also crafted the basis of an invaluable sales playbook, not only guiding our current team but setting a solid foundation for future employees to get them onboard quicker. Beyond expectations, Amesto Growth catered to our schedule and spent evenings discussing how we could make a custom app for managing renewals. This was no easy task, but we were successful in implementing said app, that now is providing us with more accurate data on e.g. MRR and ARR. I really have to say that their service mindset is unmatched, with a dedication and genuine interest in our project's success that really sets them apart. We're grateful for their hard work and would recommend them to anyone with a need for HubSpot specialists.

Marius Tungesvik

Sales Enablement Director, SEEN

I have had the pleasure of working closely with Spring Agency and their CEO for many years. Our relationship has developed into a solid collaboration based on trust and good results. When I changed job, I took Spring with me as a partner into new projects. Doesn't that tell you something? As a CMO, it's good to have a partner who takes the time to study and understand the client and the case before they act. They understand our needs and very often deliver above expectations. The people at Spring are precise, competent and they are passionate about growth and development for their clients. You know what I appreciate most about Spring? They act - the not react. That is rare, and it is a quality I value greatly. Steve Jobs once said Think Different. And so they do.

Daniel Christoffersen

CMO, Norske Mikrohus

We went from being a promising scale up with huge potential that no one has heard of, to having a beautiful website, a great content bank, more enquiries than we can handle and a brand that does not seem to stop impressing. The reason for this is our growth partner: Spring. We have been working with them for almost a year and it has exceeded our expectations. As the responsible for sales and marketing at our company, I find it really hard not to look at them as my colleagues and would not have had the success that I do without them. They have helped out with ground up rebranding and creation of a new website, outbound, inbound and account based marketing, implementation of several parts of the HubSpot eco system and content creating. We are only looking forward with joy in our eyes to continue working with Spring.

Leif E. Rønning

Sales- and Business Development Manager, Eco Stor

From the get-go the gang at Spring Agency are forward leaning, and not afraid to ask the questions that really matter. They know they are the experts and they use it in the most positive sense of the word, throughout the whole process. And when something goes awry - as it always does with complex and uncomplex software - they are quick on the ball to get it fixed. Would recommend!

Jógvan B. Gunnarsson

Customer Experience & Marketing Manager, Tellu

We have used the expertise of Spring to kickstart our HubSpot initiatives with success. With their support and guidance on content creation and how and when to present material, we have generated real leads and turned them into real business. Our organization has enjoyed the services of Spring on content creation, website optimization and how to work with HubSpot as a tool.

A. Jensen


Spring Agency has been a great resource for us to help build the foundation for us to grow internationally along the hockey stick curve.

Harald Harstad

Sales Manager Norway, Nofence